Peste 30 ani de experienta
Multiple Platforme de Tranzactionare
Conturi Segregate

HYCM - Informații Generale

Rate de Rebate

*Rebateurile sunt calculate pentru un lot intreg tranzactionat (100,000 unitati) pentru Perechi Valutare, (100 oz) pentru Aur, (5,000 oz) pentru Argint, (1,000 bar) pentru Petrol, (100 actiuni) pentru CFDuri pe Actiuni, (un contract) pentru CFDuri pe Indici si (o unitate) pentru Monede Virtuale.

**FxRebate nu va oferi rebateuri pentru clientii existenti.

***HYCM nu accepta clienti din: Afganistan, Bahamas, Belgia, Botswana, Cambodia, Canada, Cipru, Franta, Ghana, Hong Kong, Islanda, Iraq, Japonia, Lao PDR, Mongolia, Korea de Nord, Panama, Sudan, Siria, Turcia, Trinidad si Tobago, Uganda, SUA, Vanuatu, Yemen si Zimbabwe.

****Pentru informatii privind rebateurile altor instrumente de tranzactionare va rugam sa ne contactati la office@fxrebate.ro.

HYCM Prezentare Generală

HYCM are sediul în Londra și este autorizat și reglementat de Autoritatea de Conduită Financiară (FCA) din Marea Britanie. Grupul are peste 30 de ani de istorie și suntem platforma de tranzacționare preferată de clienții care caută acces direct și de mare viteză pe piețele mondiale de capital.

Această expertiză pe termen lung și angajamentul față de tehnologie și serviciul pentru clienți, ne-au permis să dezvoltăm multiple platforme de tranzacționare pentru a satisface nevoile clienților. Tranzacționați prin platforma de referinta MT4, MT5 sau pe platformele noastre mobil pentru iPhone, iPad și dispozitive Android.

Experiența noastră completă de tranzacționare este sprijinită de echipa noastră profesionistă de servicii clienți care se pliază pe nevoile dvs. și pe nivelul dvs. de experiență.

HYCM Detalii
Denumirea Companiei Henyep Capital Markets (UK) Limited, HYCM (Europe) Ltd, HYCM Ltd, Henyep Capital Markets (DIFC) Limited
Țara Marea Britanie
An Înființare 2007
Sediu Principal Marea Britanie
Sedii Secundare Cipru, Emiratele Arabe Unite, Hong Kong
Angajați 200+
Licență FCA UK 186171, CySEC 259/14, CIMA 1442313, DFSA F000048
Clienți SUA Nu
Clienți Japonezi Nu
Clienți Europa Nu
Clienți Canadieni Nu

Autoritate de Reglementare
Agenție Autoritatea de Supraveghere Financiară din Marea Britanie
Prescurtare Denumire Reglementator FCA UK
Țara Marea Britanie
Capitalizarea Minimă GBP 730,000
Legislație Privind Conturile Individuale Da

FCA reglementează industria serviciilor financiare în Marea Britanie.

Obiectivul principal este să asigure stabilitatea și buna funcționare a piețelor financiare astfel încât consumatorii să primeasca un serviciu corect. Acest lucru înseamnă că, industria financiară să funcționeze cu integritate, firmele să ofere clienților produse și servicii corespunzătoare astfel încât consumatorii să aibă încredere că firmele au cele mai bune interese pentru a deservii nevoilor acestora.

Vizitează website
Agenție Comisia Pieței de Capital și a Valorilor Mobiliare a Republicii Cipru
Prescurtare Denumire Reglementator CySEC MiFID-STP
Țara Cipru
Capitalizarea Minimă 125,000 EUR
Legislație Privind Conturile Individuale Da

Comisia Pieței de Capital și a Valorilor Mobiliare a Republicii Cipru (CySEC) este o autoritate publică independentă de supraveghere pentru piața serviciilor de investiții financiare și ale tranzacțiilor de valori mobiliare desfășurate în cadrul Republicii Cipriote.

CySEC va executa supervizarea eficientă pentru a asigura protecția investitorilor și dezvoltarea corectă a pieței de capital.

Vizitează website
Agenție Autoritatea Monetară a Insulelor Cayman
Prescurtare Denumire Reglementator CIMA
Țara Insulele Cayman
Capitalizarea Minimă N/A
Legislație Privind Conturile Individuale Nu

Pentru a proteja și spori reputația Insulelor Cayman ca al unui centru Financiar Internațional, Autoritatea Monetară a Insulelor Cayman are în componența sa o echipă de oameni foarte bine pregătiți și la curent cu tehnologia existentă, care desfășoară activități corespunzatoare, efective și eficiente, de supraveghere și reglementare în concordanță cu standardele internaționale în vigoare, prin menținerea unui curs de schimb stabil incluzând aici un management prudențial al rezervei valutare.

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Particularități ale Conturilor de Tranzacționare

Tipuri de Conturi Fixed, Classic, Raw
Levier Maxim 30:1 pentru clienții de sub jurisdictiile CySEC și FCA UK, 500:1 pentru clienții de sub jurisdicția SVG, 500:1 pentru clienții de sub jurisdicția UAE
Mărimea Tranzacție Min. 0.01 Loturi
Mărimea Tranzacție Max. Fara limita
Spreaduri Spreaduri HYCM
Tipuri de Spreaduri Spreaduri fixe, Spreaduri variabile
Nr. Zecimale ale Prețului 5
Comision 3.20 USD / lot intreg tranzactionat pentru conturile HY Raw
VPS (Server Virtual Privat) Nu

Particularități de Tranzacționare
Instrumente Tranzacționabile Forex, Metale, CFDuri pe Marfuri, CFDuri pe Actiuni, CFDuri pe Indici, Monede Virtuale
Ordine OCO Da
Trailing Stops Da
Tranzacționarea cu un Singur Click Da
Permiterea Scalpingului Nu
Permiterea Hedgingului Da
Acceptă Tranzacționarea pe Știri Da
Acceptă Expert Advisors Da
Conturi Islamice Da
Copiere Tranzacții Nu

Platforme acceptate

Platforme de Tranzacționare MT4, MT5, Mobile
Platforme de Mobil MT4/MT5 Android, MT4/MT5 iOS (iPhone/iPad)
Suport API Nu
Conturi Administrate Nu
Opțiunea pentru Platforme MAM/PAMM Nu
Platforme Principale MAM/PAMM Nu
Ora Serverului de pe Platformă GMT
Schimbarea Automată a Fusului Orar Da
Fusul Orar de Referință Greenwich Mean Time (GMT)
Conturi Demo Fără Termen de Expirare Da

Informații Privind Alimentarea Contului

Metode Depunere Transfer Bancar, Card de Credit/ Debit, Skrill, Neteller
Metode de Retragere Transfer Bancar, Card de Credit/ Debit, Skrill, Neteller
Transferuri de la un Broker la altul Nu
Moneda Contului USD, EUR, GBP, RUB, AED
Banca Fondurilor Clienților Barclays Bank, HSBC, China Construction Bank
Dobândă pentru Fondurile Netranzacționate Nu
Legislație Privind Conturile Individuale Da

Nuno Matias

2022-06-08 10:16:28

1) the very first thing which I'd note - the presence of a strong educational center with tons of possibilities how to build up a strategy concerning education. wanna watch webinars? welcome. wanna read the articles and attend workshops? why not?
2) another details is closely connected with the accounts and spreads exceptionally. fixed account is the best for intraday traders and those ones who don't care about spreads at all. I know there are such traders... Raw and classic are for those who know when to trade in order to save up money on spreads.
3) thirdly... dunno know for real what to state, but I'd also note a work of customer support. guys are awesome and super polite, hope such approach wasn't only for me.


2022-07-06 10:12:43

I've been thinking for a long time about how to describe my trading experience with HYCM. I couldn't decide what I like the most :D
All services are at high level!
I will write about MT4 trading platform. In my opinion, it is very convenient and functional platform. I can apply any trading ideas.

Vicente Abreu

2022-07-20 16:38:54

three types of accounts, but you can't trade with expert advisors on fixed one. but, some traders don't admit EAs.

Caspar Bauer

2022-08-03 12:26:00

Hycm is a very well-known forex broker with decades of history in the industry. Combine this with strong regulations and you will get one of the most reliable brokers on the market right now.
If you work in the financial area, the first thing you should pay attention to is the credibility of the company imo.

Luigi Martini

2022-08-21 17:11:21

classic account is my fav one.
yeah, there is something to strive, I mean raw account, but these days I trade on classic and know no better.


2022-09-07 13:58:36

Traders that like safety & reliability really like that HYCM is a great broker, regulated by FCA UK.

Sergio Campos

2022-09-27 15:34:33

The broker generally met my expectations, although it’s hard to imagine the opposite given its experience of working in the industry and a license.


2022-10-11 12:40:47

HYCM has much experience in the business for years professionally, and they know how to treat client

Nicolas M.

2022-10-21 15:23:54

I try to stick with proven brokers who have a long history of working on the market. It’s one of such brokers. I don’t exactly remember how long it works but it’s pretty experienced. You may check it out.

ondrej dolezal

2022-10-23 09:26:58

Checked out some HYCM reviews. Let me list some of the advantages that highlight services provided by this company in a positive way:

1. First of all - presence of several account types that don't require lots of money. You know, sometimes brokers create one account (the worst one) with a small min. deposit, while those ones that are better with huge sums (like VIP account with 100k$ min. deposit, unbelievable). This one offers three account where min. depo varies from 100$ to 200$. Acceptable.
2. Secondly - strong educational center. Here are webinars, workshops, seminars, video courses and actually everything an ordinary trader required for a consistent, successful learning activity.
3. Thirdly - expert advisors. Yeah, it's one of the few brokers that allows trading using expert advisors that might come in handy.

Mauro Cener

2022-10-30 11:09:03

I appreciate Hycm's approach to payments. Not only does the broker cover all the fees that go with deposits/withdrawals; it also provides all the required payment methods.

As for the payment processing, I can state that the descriptions that are on the website are pretty accurate. But of course there could be delays when the third parties like banks are involved. Hence why you should use crypto networks.


2022-11-25 23:21:11

HYCM is like an OG in the brokerage. Years of experience are felt in every service broker offers. From the variety of tradable assets to the educational resources and live events. This is what you call experienced one.


2022-12-09 23:06:42

Hycm cost/efficacy ratio is astonishing. For a couple of hundred bucks you get the access to the vast number of assets under the umbrella of the most credible forex broker.
I put my trust in the broker some time ago and don’t regret a second of this decision.
You can make a free demo to verify my words are true.


2022-12-17 18:33:17

I can assess the quality of services of this broker as normal.
That is, for all the time I have been trading with HYCM, I have not experienced any difficulties. All services I used worked without any problems.
I cannot say that these services are the best in the industry because I did not get any unique features. But they serve their purpose.

Overall this broker suits me and I will continue to trade on its platform.

Wubshet Kohler

2022-12-26 16:53:02

My friend’s advice was very good. The broker is really the embodiment of what I usually expect from many brokers.


2023-01-08 17:35:13

Amazing withdrawal conditions for all payments.


2023-01-15 20:27:30

It's nice that this broker stays true to the classic trading tools. I'm talking about the MetaTrader trading platforms.


2023-01-20 22:39:09

I like HYCM. The broker is a reliable one and has been here for long time. That means much in my opinion and that is why I decide to open an account here.
One more benefit - educational sector, would be good for experienced ones and beginners also.

Filipp Bauer

2023-01-30 14:58:59

I can't really say it has all been rosy here. First things first, the broker is extremely easy to trust. There is hardly any reason to mistrust the broker. There is also a comprehensive knowledge base, webinars and seminars, and even EAs. But I have to say I expected a lot more from the broker after such long in the market. I thought I would be mind blown but it was kind of anti-climactic. However, still a solid broker.

Oliver Antal

2023-01-31 14:53:42

Top notch trading platform with a good understanding of their clients and what they need with their processes. Much like my cup of tea. Good to be here.


2023-02-08 11:02:50

Nice broker with competitive trading conditions!

Karl Wallin

2023-02-12 10:53:55

I really like the RAW account of the broker. The spreads there are so competitive and I need such spreads to be able to trade more efficiently.
However I’m still trading with Classic just because of the commissions per deal. If only they would be a bit lower so that my strategy would fit perfectly.

Klaus Ansgar

2023-02-23 13:00:56

HYCM has been in industry for so long, I trust such companies because only a professionals can do so.

Ernest C.

2023-03-06 14:21:09

I consider the hycm broker one of the most reliable companies operating in the industry. So, it’s no wonder I chose exactly this broker. I was also attracted by the fact that there’s an account with fixed spreads.
In addition to this, the broker offers an attractive affiliate platform. I haven’t tried it yet but I’m gonna do this in the nearer future. As for the technical side, I got no complaints about the broker’s execution. Moreover, I don’t have problems with withdrawing my funds.
The strongest sides:
- Regulation
- Very good trading conditions
- An attractive affiliate program

Pier Westra

2023-05-22 14:20:35

I know that I can trust this broker with all my heart. It has been proven by my experience and experience of millions of traders though all the years it has been in the business.

Enrico Bianco

2023-05-26 18:15:49

Hycm infrastructure is impressive. I mean, its trading platforms, account types, HYCM Lab, algo trading opportunities and other stuff are certainly useful. It does levy no commission for funds depositing, and money's enlisting is swift. Moreover, it doesn't charge any fees for withdrawing as well!
Indeed, you may be charged by your bank, but it's not so crucial, I am sure fees are low.

Arne Magnusson

2023-06-16 13:59:04

Recent add-on that allows traders to requalifiy into investors, or even combine these two types of trading seems to be a good improvement. I bet it affects brand awareness increase, as the company kills two bird with ones stone. Look:
There is a group of traders who adore short-term activity striving to earn quick money. They are already here.
On the contrary, now another group of enthusiasts, who prefer buying equities and holding them until the price breaks the required level, join first group!
I beg HYCM team to teach me basics of marketing and brand promotion! ????


2023-06-28 10:56:22

I've been considering whether to first commend their reputation, trading conditions, platform, or something else.
It's hard for me to pick just one thing since everything they do is top-notch!

Jens Lundgren

2023-07-28 12:50:43

Very respectable broker. Hycm proved me wrong as hell when I said to one of my friends that it is not gonna work out with them. After a couple of weeks I came and said that I opened an account there!

Felix Fredriksson

2023-07-30 00:16:14

I am sad that I did not manage to find HYCM when I was a newbie in trading. Because of the wrong decision I had some uncomfortable situations. So that is the most important decision for any trader and actually it is the hardest one over there. Now you can see dozens of trading platforms and brokers that offer a lot of stuff for traders. On the other hand, you can not simply choose the broker with the lowest fees or the ones who offer the biggest number of instruments. But I can ensure you that HYCM is the combination of all the best that exists in the market.

John Murugan

2023-07-31 20:38:34

It won't be far from the truth if I claim that this broker is probably the oldest one on the forex market.
It’s crucial in and of itself because the more rich the history of the company the more it has to offer to its clients.
It accounts to the credibility and trustworthiness of the broker for the most part. And those are the essential aspects for any type of trader regardless of the experience.
I reckon we all value the safety of the broker the most. If not, then you have to reconsider your priorities mate.

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În acest tip veți primi rebate în funcție de volumul din operațiunile pe care le faceți. Pe baza acestui fapt, veți genera comision către partenerul dvs. Deoarece vă aflați în rețeaua afiliată FxRebate, vom primi o parte din acest comision pe care îl platiți catre partenerul ales și vă vom trimite majoritatea înapoi, sub formă de rebate. În aceste fel câștigați bani în mod constant atunci când plătiți comision către partenerul dvs.

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 Asistență NON-STOP

 Limbi: Araba, Chineza, Engleza, Greaca, Italiana, Rusa, Spaniola

 Email, Telefon, Chat Live, Skype, Solicitare de a fi Sunat

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