Tranzactionarea forex, a contractelor futures, optiunilor, metalelor pretioase si a altor produse over-the-counter sau nereglementate comporta un nivel ridicat de risc si e posibil sa nu se potriveasca tuturor investitorilor.

Spreaduri fixe si flotante
Platforme si instrumente diversificate
Lichiditate de top

RoboForex - Informații Generale

Rate de Rebate


Tipuri de cont





R StocksTrader

Forex (toate perechile valutare)

30.00% din     spreadul      platit

30.00% din      spreadul       platit

25.00% din   comisionul    platit

10.00% din   comisionul    platit

25.00% din      spreadul       platit


30.00% din     spreadul      platit

30.00% din      spreadul       platit

25.00% din   comisionul    platit

25.00% din   comisionul    platit

25.00% din      spreadul       platit

CFD-uri pe Indici

30.00% din      spreadul       platit

30.00% din      spreadul       platit

25.00% din   comisionul    platit 10.00% din   comisionul    platit 25.00% din   comisionul    platit

CFD-uri pe Acțiuni





25.00% din   comisionul    platit

CFD-uri pe Cripto




  1. Rebateurile sunt calculate pentru un lot intreg tranzactionat (100,000 unitati) pentru Forex (toate perechile valutare), (100 oz) pentru Aur, (5,000 oz) pentru Argint, (un contract) pentru CFD-uri pe Indici, (o actiune) pentru CFD-uri pe Actiuni si (un contract) pentru ETFuri.
  2. Pentru informatii privind rebateurile altor instrumente de tranzactionare va rugam sa ne contactati la

RoboForex Prezentare Generală

RoboForex funcționează din 2009 și este reglementat de FSC, licență nr. 000138/437.

Din momentul înființării, RoboForex s-a concentrat întotdeauna pe furnizarea de cele mai bune condiții de tranzacționare folosind tehnologii inovatoare și mulți ani de experiență. RoboForex este o companie de brokeraj financiar, care oferă 8 tipuri de active și peste 12.000 de instrumente pentru tranzacționare. Suntem foarte mândri de o varietate de servicii pe care le oferim clienților și partenerilor noștri, care sunt de aceeași calitate pentru toți, indiferent de experiența lor și de valoarea investițiilor lor.

RoboForex Ltd este un participant oficial al The Financial Commission, o organizație internațională, care rezolvă litigiile dintre participanții săi și clienții acestora.

RoboForex Ltd, care este un membru al categoriei „A”, este, de asemenea, un participant la Fondul de compensare al Comisiei. Fondul de compensare este un serviciu inclus în calitatea de membru al Comisiei Financiare care oferă protecție de până la 20.000 EUR per caz în cazul în care un Membru refuză să adere la o hotărâre a Comisiei Financiare.

RoboForex Ltd și afiliații săi nu vizează clienții UE/SEE/Marea Britanie. Vă rugăm să rețineți că puteți primi servicii de investiții de la o firmă dintr-o țară terță numai din proprie inițiativă exclusivă, asumându-vă toate riscurile implicate.

RoboForex Detalii
Denumirea Companiei RoboForex Ltd
Țara Belize
An Înființare 2009
Sediu Principal Belize
Sedii Secundare N/A
Angajați 150
Licență FSC 000138/437
Clienți SUA Nu
Clienți Japonezi Nu
Clienți Europa Nu
Clienți Canadieni Nu

Autoritate de Reglementare
Agenție Comisia pentru Servicii Financiare din Belize
Prescurtare Denumire Reglementator FSC
Țara Belize
Capitalizarea Minimă N/A
Legislație Privind Conturile Individuale Nu

Comisia pentru Servicii Financiare (FSC) este organismul de reglementare pentru serviciile financiare nebancare din Belize, în special pentru acele servicii furnizate de entități licențiate sau înregistrate în conformitate cu Legea Comisiei pentru Servicii Financiare, Cap. 272 Ediția revizuită 2020 și Securities Industry Act, 2021 (SIA).

FSC Belize este un organism statutar independent de autofinanțare care oferă reglementări orientate spre servicii, continuă, bazate pe riscuri, care se bazează pe integritate, responsabilitate, adaptabilitate și fiabilitate.

Vizitează website

Particularități ale Conturilor de Tranzacționare

Tipuri de Conturi ProCent, Pro, ECN, Prime, R StocksTrader, CopyFX Pro
Levier Maxim 2,000:1
Mărimea Tranzacție Min. 0.01 Loturi
Mărimea Tranzacție Max. 100 Loturi
Spreaduri Spread-uri RoboForex
Tipuri de Spreaduri Spread-uri fixe, Spread-uri variabile
Nr. Zecimale ale Prețului 4, 5
Comision 4.00 USD / lot intreg tranzactionat pentru conturile ECN
VPS (Server Virtual Privat) Da

Particularități de Tranzacționare
Instrumente Tranzacționabile Forex, Metale, CFD-uri pe Acțiuni, CFD-uri pe Indici, CFD-uri pe ETF-uri, CFD-uri pe Cripto
Ordine OCO Nu
Trailing Stops Da
Tranzacționarea cu un Singur Click Da
Permiterea Scalpingului Da
Permiterea Hedgingului Da
Acceptă Tranzacționarea pe Știri Da
Acceptă Expert Advisors Da
Conturi Islamice Da
Copiere Tranzacții Da

Platforme acceptate

Platforme de Tranzacționare MT4, MT4 MultiTerminal, MT5, R Trader, R WebTrader, MT4 WebTrader, MT5 WebTrader, Mobile
Platforme de Mobil MT4/MT5/R Trader Android, MT4/MT5/R Trader iOS
Suport API Da
Conturi Administrate Da
Opțiunea pentru Platforme MAM/PAMM Nu
Platforme Principale MAM/PAMM Nu
Ora Serverului de pe Platformă UTC + 03:00
Schimbarea Automată a Fusului Orar Da
Fusul Orar de Referință Eastern European Time (EET)
Conturi Demo Fără Termen de Expirare Da

Informații Privind Alimentarea Contului

Metode Depunere Transfer Bancar, VISA, MasterCard, JCB, CUP, Neteller, AstroPay, Skrill, Perfect Money, AdvCash, QR & Vouchers, Western Union
Metode de Retragere Transfer Bancar, VISA, MasterCard, JCB, CUP, Neteller, AstroPay, Skrill, Perfect Money, AdvCash
Transferuri de la un Broker la altul Da
Moneda Contului EUR, USD, CNY, GOLD
Banca Fondurilor Clienților N/A
Dobândă pentru Fondurile Netranzacționate Nu
Legislație Privind Conturile Individuale Da

2022-09-30 22:41:15

They provide quite competitive spreads, fast order execution and painless withdrawals. Totally satisfied and recommend to all! You will not regret if you choose this broker.

2022-10-27 18:31:41

I've been trading with Roboforex for last 4 years and everything is ok. There are many different rules dictated by regulation, but if you do everything by this rules, you do not have any problems. The broker is really reliable and they offer fast and stable platforms for the users. Funding and withdrawals are made within hours.

2022-11-26 13:01:47

It's a pleasure to work with Roboforex. Fair trading conditions, frendly and professional support team, and fast withdrawal of funds.

2022-11-30 00:21:09

I like this broker. The quality of service is really high. In my opinion they offer one of the best trading conditions on the market, while the commission is very adequate and deposit isn't big. Execution, support spreads, withdrawals - everything is fine!


2022-12-26 21:39:59

Old and very reliable broker. Work with them for last 3 years. You can get your money maximum within 2 working days. Metatrader4 platform is very stable and fast. Good spread on the main pairs. It's pros for me.

2022-12-30 13:33:02

There are several benefits for me in working with robotmarkets. It is convenient for mobile trading. They offer a good range of trading tools, very tight spreads, and high leverage. And the most important advantage for me is that Roboforex provide convenient, safe, and fast withdrawal through payment cards, wire transfer, and other available payment methods.

2023-01-27 21:57:04

I would like to say that Roboforex is really good and reliable broker. If you don’t believe me, just try Roboforex demo account and make your own opinion.

2023-01-30 23:06:06

I have been trading currency pairs with Roboforex for 3 month. At the moment everything is fine. I did not notice any slippages.

2023-02-01 22:44:49

Good broker so far. I have traded with Roboforex for 6 months, the spread is fine for my trading system and the platform is fast and convenient

2023-02-17 00:05:32

Roboforex is a big and well-regulated broker. They have proven to be a reliable company. I recommend to put your funds only in a well-known broker like them.

2023-02-27 02:16:26

Good broker. Never had any issues with my withdrawals. Fast payments in several hours via Skrill. My manager is very friendly and competent. Very good spread and execution. At the moment I am very satisfied with Roboforex.


2023-03-03 02:03:42

Very convenient and stable platform, fast withdrawals, good client service. If you want to find reliable broker for long-term and productive cooperation you can try Roboforex.

2023-03-31 00:11:07

The main advantage of this broker is reliability. I am completely satisfied with my cooperation with Roboforex.

2023-03-31 19:26:13

I decided to start trading with Roboforex thanks to a friend's advice and I don't regret it. It is a regulated broker with good customer service and a fast platform. Easy withdrawals. Generally excellent services.

2023-04-02 00:48:43

I have had a pretty nice experience with Roboforex, everything met my expectation. Trading runs smoothly. Quite easy and fast registration, deposit, and withdrawal process. I have no complaints about conditions and execution. Highly recommend them!

2023-04-29 18:39:30

Want to open an account here. Impressed by their customer support. It is helpful and responsive. Explained me everything in detail and did not impose anything superfluous. Conditions also suit me very much.

2023-05-01 23:26:59

I tried to work with them for some period of time, everything is fine. I'm not a pro, but I've been trading for a year and a half here! Earned with them

2023-05-02 22:18:08

Nice spreads and trading execution. Really good tested broker with guarantees. Also want to praise them for the continuous improvement of services.


2023-05-02 22:43:17

I can say that my trading experience with Roboforex is very positive. It's a really reliable broker with very competitive trading conditions. They offer various kinds of options for newbies and advanced traders.

2023-05-15 22:43:42

Roboforex is quite an innovative broker which always improve their services. There are a lot of trading instruments for all the choices. They offer quite competitive conditions and security guarantees. Satisfied with the results of my trading here.

2023-05-21 23:08:06

So far nice broker. They provide order execution speed not worse than other big and well-known brokers. Withdrawal takes up from a couple of hours to several business days. This is quite tolerable. Good chat-support, informative web site. Imho, Roboforex is a good broker for both beginners and advanced traders.

Walter Barrett

2023-05-28 00:19:33

I am super happy with my Roboforex experience. I didn't think I could make such a good profit. This broker is very good and honest.

Charles Sutton

2023-05-29 00:20:07

Roboforex provides very professional support for their customers. If you have any questions or problems, you can request for assistance anytime. Orders execution is good and the spreads are quite competitive with the EUR/USD.

2023-06-22 00:12:36

RoboForex oferă într-adevăr condiții excelente de tranzacționare. Spreadurile reduse, levierul ridicat și executarea rapidă a tranzacțiilor se combină pentru a face ca experiența mea de tranzacționare să fie profitabilă și fără probleme.

2023-06-22 23:22:45

Their customer support service is one of the best I've encountered. RoboForex's support team is responsive and extremely helpful, addressing any issues I've had promptly, providing a sense of assurance in their service.


2023-06-27 23:42:27

I have been using Roboforex for last 2 years and find them very good. The website is very easy to navigate and very informative. I like the low spreads they offer and very fast deposit and withdrawal service. Famous and trustworthy brokerage firm.

Aurel Codreanu

2023-06-29 22:56:52

Roboforex was always a reliable broker. It has good trading conditions and always improve their service. They are represented in many countries of the world and have excellent multilingual support. Also there are a great variety of trading accounts with different platforms.

2023-07-17 21:31:27

Roboforex is one of the leading forex brokers. They are a great all-around broker but what really stands out is their smooth and fast withdrawal process. I have ever had delays. So far their service is great.


2023-07-25 00:14:49

I’m new to forex and I started my trading with Roboforex. In my opinion, this broker is beginner friendly with an intuitive trading platform, mobile apps, and useful studying materials. And they provide good demo accounts. The signup process is fast and easy.


2023-07-30 23:40:14

Old and very reliable broker. Work with them for last 3 years. You can get your money maximum within 2 working days. Metatrader4 platform is very stable and fast. Good spread on the main pairs. It's pros for me.

Mark Bond

2023-07-31 23:41:22

A good broker, it offers competitive conditions and high quality analysis. In general, everything suits me here! I can recommend them.

2023-08-18 14:45:01

I use their CopyFX platform. It has significantly streamlined my trading experience. Its user-friendly interface and extensive range of talented traders to follow make it a standout choice in the market.

2023-08-27 23:09:48

I'm satisfied with this broker. The withdrawal is pretty fast with the Roboforex. Even, if the sum is quite big, they never delay it. Money comes into my account in 1 business day.

Maurice Watson

2023-08-30 23:46:41

Have enjoyed my time trading with them, and I think their platform is the best I have ever used. Would recommend this broker to all my friends.

Osborn Fields

2023-08-31 23:48:10

Throughout the year I have been trading and increasing my capital with Roboforex. Good reliable brokerage. I feel secure with this broker. They didn't disappoint me.

Mac Sors

2023-09-16 01:29:28

A great trading platform with a wide range of financial instruments. Fast order execution and a user-friendly platform are its advantages. Also impressive are the various platforms, including MT4, MT5, StocksTrader, and WebTrader, which allow users to choose the optimal option for their needs.


2023-09-17 00:32:54

As a fan of the significant opportunities that leverage provides, I like that RoboForex allows for leverage of up to 1:2000.

Melvyn Scott

2023-09-19 23:30:27

Fine broker with competitive conditions and services. They do not mess with your account when you made some profit. Withdrawals without any delays. I’m satisfied and recommend Roboforex to all.

Charles Ford

2023-09-20 23:37:11

I’m new on forex and I learn to trade with Roboforex. Their site has enough information, which helps me to get the basic knowledge. There are a lot of interesting and helpful notes, webinars, and seminars. Also, they provide great demo accounts. I сan combine theory with practice. Thanks to this I acquire all basic skills very quickly.


2025-02-27 20:12:21

Traders can instantly transfer funds between their RoboForex accounts without fees. This allows for seamless fund allocation across different trading strategies and account types. Internal transfers help traders manage capital more efficiently without unnecessary delays. The quick and free movement of funds enhances portfolio flexibility.


2025-03-04 22:04:46

The verification process was straightforward, and I was able to start trading within a few hours. The platform itself is intuitive and well-designed, making it easy to navigate even for beginners. I also appreciate the range of account types available, allowing traders to choose one that suits their strategy. Trade execution is fast, spreads are competitive, and I haven't experienced unnecessary order rejections.


2025-03-25 20:50:59

I enjoy trading with Roboforex because the conditions are favorable. The platform works well, and I don’t experience any unexpected issues. Deposits and withdrawals are smooth, which is very important to me. I also like how easy it is to track my trades and profits. Everything is clear and well-organized.

Cashback pe volum din operațiuni

În acest tip veți primi rebate în funcție de volumul din operațiunile pe care le faceți. Pe baza acestui fapt, veți genera comision către partenerul dvs. Deoarece vă aflați în rețeaua afiliată FxRebate, vom primi o parte din acest comision pe care îl platiți catre partenerul ales și vă vom trimite majoritatea înapoi, sub formă de rebate. În aceste fel câștigați bani în mod constant atunci când plătiți comision către partenerul dvs.

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RoboForex Serviciul Clienți

 Asistență NON-STOP

 Limbi: Arabă, Cehă, Chineză, Engleză, Indoneziană, Italiană, Malaeziană, Portugheză, Rusă, Spaniolă, Taiwaneză, Thailandeză, Ucraineană

 Email, Telefon, Chat Live, Skype

Contact RoboForex


 Bonus clasic de pana la 115%

Programul de bonusare este permanent si disponibil pentru toti clientii Roboforex. Bonusul poate fi primit odata ce se alimenteaza contul de tranzactionare prin orice metoda de plata. Numarul total de depozite nu este limitat.

Conditiile ofertei

*Bonusul este disponibil doar pentru RoboForex Ltd, sub jurisdictia IFSC.

Bonus de pana la 10% din fondurile disponibile

Fondurile disponibile din contul de tranzactionare pot produce un venit aditional si iti pot asigura protectia fondurilor de inflatie. Dupa inscrierea in programul "Bonus de 10% din fondurile disponibile" veti primi plati lunare, sub forma de dobanda anualizata, pentru fondurile ce nu sunt utilizate din contul de tranzactionare.

Conditiile ofertei

*Bonusul este disponibil doar pentru RoboForex Ltd, sub jurisdictia IFSC.

Bonus de Bun Venit de 30 USD

Acei clienti Roboforex care au trecut de procesul de verificare, pot primi un bonus specia de Bun Venit de 30 USD. Inregistrati-va pentru aceasta oferta si primiti un capital initial de investit la cel mai mic cost cu putinta.

Conditiile ofertei

*Bonusul este disponibil doar pentru RoboForex Ltd, sub jurisdictia IFSC.

Depuneti in contul de tranzactionare fara niciun comision

Cand clientii nostrii alimenteaza contul de tranzactionare comisionul este intotdeauna 0%. RoboForex acopera toate cheltuielile care pot aparea cand se aliemnteaza contul de tranzactionare. Alegeti metoda de alimentare dorita, fara niciun cost efectiv.

Conditiile ofertei

*Bonusul este disponibil doar pentru RoboForex Ltd, sub jurisdictia IFSC.

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